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  • Fall of The Wall
    November 9th. 1989
    It has been many years since the inhabitants of Germany have had the privilege to come and go as they pleased within their own country. Since the last World War, to be exact, WWII. The war to end all wars.

    Then a single man, one of their number decided that his ethnic group of people were superior to those of the rest of the world. If you had not been born with the blonde hair and blue eyes of "the Fatherland", you were inferior. I will not dignify their actions with a further account of their ideals, or their atrocities, or even try to provide the common man with the "pros and cons" of their position; one should be able to figure that out for oneself. After all, all men are created equal, in the eyes of man, and the god of "Christianity." If man was created in the likeness of his "GOD," then all men are replicas of that single entity. Who then can say, who is superior, and who is not, what mere mortal Dare.

    On November 9th of this year 1989, the East German Government first gave permission for the people on the Non- Communist West side to come and go as they please. This will of course, allow for families, long separated by the Berlin Wall to re-unite with members on the West side, without fear of reprisal from the east German government.

    Within days, the Berlin Wall, erected in 1961 will come under the eye of those whom it has caused problems with in the past. The wall must fall, come tumbling down. I have always had a soft spot for those families torn in two by this man-made barrier, this intrusive obstruction, made of iron, barbed-wire, and concrete.
    If one travels in a single direction or as they say, "around the globe," one will inevitably come out from the other side, it does not matter if one travels East or West, one will reach the same spot. All directions are relative and the same in the eyes of man.

    I wish them all, each and everyone, worldwide...


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