Through the Rogue Eye
Rogue Editorial | Jan 28th 2004
Rogue Crest
Analogy of TIME

The Relevance of Time - Part Two:

I have been giving some quantitative and qualitative thought to my lack of sleep to this matter. I am in some manners, enamored of the multiple forms of mathematics, as it was one of my favorite subjects in school. Though, with the lack of support and parental guidance, I was allowed to slip through the cracks of society, and forced to find a job to support myself. Since support, in any manner, was unattainable from my mother, and my father was, far too, busy schooling the students at the Collegiate, where his taught. I was left to fend for myself, alone.
The following idea has haunted my dreams on many occasions, and now I will try to relate my understandings of my thoughts. First, let us all stand outside of time itself, in our minds. Become free thinkers, as it were.
Great Mathematicians have studied the equation of time. I am not one of them, but a simple statement comes to mind. Whenever I am caught watching a show or film, which has a temporal background, I am always on the look out for the inconsistencies. Time is a very fluid thing, and will not stand still for human ideas. It will not conform to human ways. It will not break, as man would have you believe.
I have and idea for the calculation of time, but lack the necessary mathematical skills to put it to the test, though I have every good reason to feel it will solve our temporal problems, and their measurement. I will not divulge that information here, but rather I will keep it safe within the labyrinth of the great gray abyss, of my mind, till I find someone worthy of such data.
Man is such a fickle character, especially those who have power over others, and those with what they call absolute power are the worst of all, for they have lost all humanity, and compassion. There will be no mercy for any underlings below such men of power. In their minds, their survival is of highest import, though their contribution is of little use.

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