Through the Rogue Eye
Rogue Editorial | Jan 28th 2005
Rogue Crest
Lest We Forget
Just released a few days ago, the Allies of WWII, de-classified photos from that War. Among them were arial photos of concentration, and internment camps, where Jew were executed; where the "Holocaust," as it is termed, was carried out. The world must never forget what happened to the Jews during WWII. A great tragedy I assure you, but not the tragedy to end all tragedies.
This brings me to another Human "Holocaust," one where over 600 million beings were killed, in the United States alone, and countless millions, around the world. A time in our history, we as human seem to have forgotten, yet is on our mind everyday. A time when a human body wasn't worth it's weight in grain. A time in our collective history, when, as humans, created equal; we segrated; we discriminated, we enslaved, we killed, we tortured, we dominated our fellow man. No-one has ever offered compensation to those souls or their families; no-one has ever wispered or shouted the word We're SORRY.
No-one has given the those lost souls, in an on going dispicable habit of human behavior. Yet, the recognition or the acclaim the Jews have had since 1945, is appaling to me.
Consider that they, the Jews are also guilty of simular atrocities, in their past. Not long ago.
If you are unaware of what period in time I speak, allow me to clarify. I speak of the hundreds of thousands of years of Slavery. That's right, Slaves endured Hundreds of years of oppression, savagery, torture, and death; millions died, world wide. Yet only the the Jews get the tears to flow. I am appalled at the world's behavior in this regard. I empathize with the victims of both World Wars. My heart tear appart for all the victims of Slavery.
If my recollection is correct, Afro-Americans and Afro-Canadians, and many of the transplanted African descendants of slaves, have asked for nothing more than equality. Equality, the very thing most every other "ethnic" group in the "World" has attained. Equailty, in the eyes of God and Man, offered all it's other ethnic and racial inhabitants. All except those of African Heritage. That heritage being spread around the globe; whether they be from South America, the Caribbean, or ensconced in the European Countries, or scattered across Africa and the Middle East.
As a whole, "People of Color," down through history, were always behind the eightball, berated, disparaged, and treated "worst" than second class citizens, many ripped from their families, and spirited away, never to be seen again. When will the rest of the world as a whole appreciate everyone, and ALL, for their true worth. You know I never seen a racist animal, other than "MAN." Stop the ignorance, the bias, the rhetoric, the prejudice, the racism. People of color mean you no harm, no animosity. If we are going to share this planet. "Can't we all get along." It's been sixty (60) years, since the end of WWII, stop the wallowing, and the search for in pity, and that only for the Holocaust victims. unless your going to remember all forms of Holocaust victims, of every ethnic, racial and religious background. Jews are not the only people who have been treated in such a manner, Who weeps for the families, the relatives, and the children of Slaves; who weeps for the families, the relatives, and the children of; who weeps for the families, the relatives, and children who slaved in Egypt. If you study Man's history, it is replete with such atrocities. Worst of all, "People of Color" are usually at the short end of that stick.

Our World in Denial

For all the "Souls" ever "Enslaved," a "Star" exists in the "Universe" for you!

© copywright R.A.H.Rock

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