day and night

"4 Gifts

Examine this little Being, unique within its shell.
Hither, thither 'n' yon scurrying, each to beat the Bell.
None live, here in Peace, no Peace is here to be found.
Tranquility comes only with rest, deep, six feet underground.

Gifts given them, each and all, each gift applies Two toils.
First, the affairs of entity, managed, to earn the daily spoils.
Latter to care, the affairs of All, and everything to share.
Fail this Task; inherit the waste, a Life left quite bare.

Unconditional, HEART, ever cares, loved ones, young and old.
Skips and flutters, if it stops, Life within goes cold.
Exceptional, the MIND that thinks, imagines possibility.
Exacts control, the body whole, or lays there stagnantly.

The BODY itself, a marvel that; many tasks it can perform.
Carry a burden; share the load, in Death to Dust conform.
Alas the SOUL, a conscious thought, Freewill in every choice.
Divine in stature, spiritual ghost, gives Thoughts and Will their voice.

4 GIFTS so rare for All to share,
For each has everyone.
No creature living: Land, Sea, or Air,
Survives, when missing One.

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Written Dec. 17th, 2006
by R. Anthony H. Rock

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