day and night

"Foregive My Mask"

We all hide who we really are;
even from ourselves.

A soul born free, Angelic Light,
Conceived on Earth, one day.
First step upon a Human plight,
By night, a Moon of Sunlit ray.

The sins of man, in one and all
Present, though laws protest,
Heed the Light, heard the Call,
Til mind, body and Heart e'er rest.

The soul is mine, mine alone,
A gift from up above.
Errs and sins are human prone,
In understanding, peace and love.

Forgive me Fathers, my transgress,
Every sin e'er I commit.
Commandments broke, my will egress,
Thy will on Earth, submit.

Beg now, I repant a new,
For all who failed thy task.
Upon my knees, Pray I do,
For my soul, forgive my mask.

© copywright R. Rock

Written Apr. 14th 2007
by R. Anthony H. Rock
"Forgive me Fathers
Mortal and Immortal
For my Sins."


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