day and night

For Love's own Sake
Original work, published
in Anthologies by

For love's own sake,
Lightening races cross the sky,
Thunder screams intention nigh
Heavens tears quench not I.

For love's own sake,
A sun brightens space afar,
Birds sing through doors ajar,
My heart sores aloft, a star.

For love's own sake,
Each moment, a breath I take,
Cower not, stand fast, not shake,
Patient, till the earth doth quake.

For love's own sake,
The hour glass spins in hand,
Draining every grain of sand,
From all shores in every land.

Of all sins I will atone,
Ecstacy, passion, mine to hone,
Till such time, to be alone.
For love's own sake.

© copywright R.A.H.Rock

Written June 19th 2003
by R. Anthony H. Rock


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