day and night

Andrai_el Prayer

Pray for all Troops to put down their Weapons; end Hostilities;
Pray they go Home in Peace to their Loved Ones and Families.
Pray that Humankind learn before it is too late,
Destroy Future; extinction assured, if change, not immediate.
Pray for the Innocent, starving Children of this World are fed, housed and clothed, 'fore warmongering fortune-seekers ly them in Deaths bed.
Pray to understand in whispers riding upon the winds;
The Dawn of imagination crush beneath a world of sins,
So wake ye all from slumber's ignorance that clouds both Mind and Soul.
That Humankind can yet save themselves before Final Bell can Toll
Pray for Peace, Insight and Harmony, the things one claims in Dreams,
Do more than Wish or Hope for them; the path ahead fills with screams.
Pray for all Humanity beset in jealousy;
Fore ye are made flesh, and bone and frailty;
Connect all by a single Hue; the RED that flows within;
A Crimson flow of Life's Elixir is not Serendipity.

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Written Apr.. 15th 2009
by Radcliffe A.H. Rock
Pray for Mankind & the Troops.

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