day and night

"Angel Vision"

Crystal shine, white wings a glow
Not man nor woman, stand in row
Halo bright, o'er heads, lights throw
Guarding each, grass blade that grow.

Each command Deity gives carried out
Impervious armor, no scream or shout,
Standing tall, fair, all fear in doubt
Follow the word each one's about.

The angel, a Holy, special being,
Sword in hand, never fleeing
A whisper sound, not worth seeing,
Gives strength to heart, Amen agreeing.

Mercy for they, Humble and trite,
Peace to them, follow God's plight
Righteous in they, who live in the light
Follow His word, we know what's right

"Angel" a name, women wish to be,
No woman, near 'o' far, this Holy entity
He stands with brothers, for his Deity,
Comfort for those who live in Piety.

Judge you not, for good or bad
Smile in your heart, 9 Rings, be glad,
Sing and rejoice, be happy, not sad,
Angel's protect all, for Heavenly Dad

One wing pristine, To stem the flood,
One wing crimson red, dipped in blood,
The gown, white never touched by mud,
Gentle, and kind, beauty fair, a Rose bud.

Arch-Angels and Angels, are our religion,
God's will be done, is their mission,
Power, controlled, nuclear fission,
All in one package . . . ANGEL VISION.

© copyright R Anthony H. Rock

Written June 16th 2003
by Radcliffe A.H. Rock
Follow Angelic Quotes on Facebook.


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