"A Regal Sign"

day and night

On the hunt.
The Lion, Lioness

King of The Fifth House
Leo at play.

The Sign.

The Lion (July 23-August 22)
Element : Fire
Quality : Fixed
Keys : Action, Power
Planetary Body : Sun
Rules : Back, Spinal Cord, and Heart; Natural Ruler of the Fifth House


All Leos roar. They love being the center of attention and often surround themselves with admirers. To remain in the proud Kingdom of a Leo, their admirers should think like he thinks believe what he believes, and love and hate what he loves and hates. For a Leo, this is loyalty. In return, Leo the king offers generosity, and warmth, and compassion.
Leos have an innate dramatic sense and life is definitely their stage. Their flamboyance and personal magnetism extend to every facet of their lives. They seek to succeed and make an impact in every situation. It is no surprise that the theatre and allied arts fall under the ruler-ship of Leo.
Don't ever argue to change the opinions and beliefs of a Leo. As a fixed sign, they stand firm. They've found what works for them, and may not work for someone else.
In general, they are optimistic, honorable, loyal, and ambitious.


She's up front about what she feels and invariably is disappointed when she finds that other people may not be as forthright. You'll never have to guess where you stand with a Lioness, unless there's something in the aspects of her chart that say otherwise. She loves flattery, romantic courtships, and is an ardent lover.
The Leo woman exudes confidence, and other people place their trust in her. She needs to be at the helm in her workplace - a manager will do, but the CEO would be better. She dislikes playing second fiddle on any level.
In a marriage, don't expect her to be content with staying home, unless she's running her business from there. If she's a mother, she's not just that, with career, hobbies, and passions. She may be involved somehow with children even if she doesn't have her own, because Leo rules children.
She likes nice clothes and probably dresses with flair and style, in bright, bold colors. She's an actress and adept at creating certain impressions and moods through the way she looks and acts. She likes order in her world, but it has to be her order.



Give them center stage and he's at his best; tell him what to do and he's at his worst. Once you accept that about the Leo man, he's easy to get along with, because you really want to like this guy. He's warm, outgoing, and fun. Kids love him because in many ways he's like they are, full of magic.
People are attracted to him because they sense his leadership abilities. They like his frankness, abundant energy, and ambition. If you're a Leo's significant other, get used to sharing him with his court, whoever they might be. Give them distinction and the power to command and they do it exceptionally well.

Leo Cubs

As toddlers, they keep you running. Their abundant energy fuels them from sunrise to midnight, and by the time you fall into bed, you're ragged. As they mature, Leo cubs are surrounded by other kids, so your house is likely to be the gathering place for your Leo's youthful tribe.
The innate generosity of the sign manifests itself early. Leo cubs feel compassion toward people less fortunate than they are. They're likely to bring home strays of all shapes and sizes. They also tend to be fearless, accept every dare, and take risks that turn you gray before your time. Life with a Leo cub is never boring!


Another fire sign is good for a Leo, simply because of their energy levels are similar. Any sign that is sextile (Gemini, for instance) or trine (Aries) would be fine, too. The magnetism between Leo and Aquarius, its polar opposite, might elevate a Leo's consciousness to where it succeeds best; to the wider world beyond himself, the family of man.


Leos are passionate. They can also be impulsive, particularly when their egos are stroked. For the most part, Leos need to feel needed and to know they are loved before they commit entirely. Once committed, everything is bigger than life, and brighter than the sun. Courtship is often a series of dramatic gestures:
dozens of flowers that arrive at the office, an erotic call at three a.m., or a chopper ride around the city.


A Leo excels at work in front of the public. Actor, orator, Speaker of the House, CEO: forget the menial job for a Leo. Leos are great at teaching, because the classroom becomes their stage, and the students, their audience. They also tend to be good with animals, and enjoy training, caring for and loving them. After all they are "King of the Jungle".

If Leo wants it, Leo buys it. If can't afford it, Leo charges it. If Leo's charge cards are maxed out, then they lock the rolex, or the collection of baseball cards to buy it. Saving for a rainy day, just isn't in the picture, because for a Leo, there aren't any rainy days! There are of course, exceptions to all these generalities. A moon in an earth sign, combined with a Leo sun, would mitigate the flamboyance, particularly if the Moon were a Capricorn.

Race thru Space

The Zodiac
Air Signs (masculine): Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Earth Signs (feminine): Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Fire Signs (masculine): Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Water Signs (feminine): Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Chinese Astrology What the Chinese say about the Rogue, and the Egyptian Zodiac.

Credit: Trish MacGregor, Author of
"The Everything Astrology" Mini Book.
Learn the Roots of Leo's Chinese & Egyptian Astrology.



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