day and night

"A Born Original"

There was no Crime, before Discovery.
No need for Jails, for Criminal Recovery.
No desire for Money, before Discovery.
Only River Banks, not financial Robbery.
Traditions honoured, relearn, uncover thee.
Culture shared, Generational Husbandry.
A Tribal Nature, before Discovery.
Animal Spirits, Soul Recovery.
Honoured the Land, Forests and Trees.
Honoured the Sky, the Birds and Bees.
Honoured the Water, crystal clear.
Honoured the Dead, and Loved ones dear.
A Paradise, pristine and vast.
Massive Herds, thundered past.
Many Nations, share from Sea to Sea.
Followed the Herds they roamed free.
Unwritten Laws, respect by all.
Explorers brought Death, a Religious call.
Herded, massacred, Culture swept aside.
O horrific Past, Canada's Genocide,
Land of Braves not allowed to be,
In 1812, they stood Guard for thee.

©copywright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written June 27th 2021
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Inspired True Nature.


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