day and night

"Brandi Wine"

Wondered aimless near and far
In solace, devoid of bliss.
Across the room a smile touched me,
Present thy lips, the softest kiss.
A spider's web, among the strands,
Now heart is caught and held.
Await decisions yet conjured forth,
Will conscience and soul e'er meld.
Alone with fruitless endeavors gained,
Sweet wine ring in ears still.
Delicious, smooth, sexy bouquet,
Solitude emboldens thy will.
Great poets wrote 'o' those they loved.
A beauty the heart perceived.
Poured forth their souls in pen and ink,
For others gain, love received.
To paper commit my soul to burst.
My love for all to see.
Bring forth a meal all can digest.
Whilst shadows dine with me.

© copywright R. Rock

Written July 03rd 2003
by Radcliffe A.H. Rock


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