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"There Will Be Criticism"

People will criticize, because they're afraid.
People will criticize, because they're ashamed.
People will criticize, because they're culpable.
People will criticize, because they're not acclaimed.

People will criticize, out of worry.
People will criticize, out of frailty.
People will criticize, out of complicity.
People will criticize, devoid of nobility.

They will criticize, not Black, but White,
They will criticize, in Ignorance of Truth,
Criticize loudly; they're so full of Shyte!

There's only one way, Aristotle said,
Do nothing, Say nothing, Be nothing, I've read.
People will criticize, to be or not to be,
Yes they'll criticize, even when one is dead.

©copywright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written February 28th 2024
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Inspired by Aristotle.


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