day and night

"Doctor Who?"

Animation is © copywright
Animation Factory
Wrap your mind around this,
Brain Teaser?
It had been years of medical training, hours of countless studying, books and books; working on dead bodies till your were sick to your stomach. But as last the title was bestowed, your are now a doctor. Some time you had thought that it would have never ended, all the money spent and all the precious hours to train, you have earned the right to be call a "Doctor." Now, at last you have been given the position; most important to all, male and female alike; well respected and always on hand for advice. Dr. Smith this and Dr. Smith that; it seems, your is the first name on everyones lips, you ar sought for all sorts of emergencies, bit and small, even the imagined.
Time has passed, you married and had a son, watched him grow into quite a handsome young man, one you are well proud of; captain of the football team, popular with the girls of his school, a winner. But from time to time he was drunk, he had a drinking problem, a habit, from the peers at school. One day it maight be his life on the line.
That same boy and his father, returning from a baseball game, their team had won; they'd drank abit too much, but the son was handling the car well, though he'd had more than his father. At a blind turn in the roadway, a small animal sprinted across the pavement, the son swerved to avoid crushing it. A mistake, he'd swerved into the path of an oncoming trackter-trailer, he swerved again; off the road and into a ditch, the car coming to an abrupt halt at a stout tree. The father, not wearing his safety harness, thrown through the wind sheild, killed instantly, upon inpact with the tree. The son is trapped in the vehicle, struggling to free himself. He had worn his belt. The car was crumpled by the tree, he was unable to get out. Aware of his own life threatening injuries, he struggled until help arrived, summoned by the driver of the truck.
Finally extricated, the boy was rushed to the hospital, the siren blaring, a dull sound to his ears to his ear, where blood seeped; bloodshot eyes stared at nothing. The hostipal was put on alert, with the ambulance hurtling in its direction. Minutes away; preparations being made for the bay arrival, the staff going to emergency statis. The siren getting closer by the minute, by the second. Anticipation, a solid viel, palpable, could be cut by a knife; all was in readiness.
As the ambulance rolled up the driveway, orderlies, wiith a gernie between them run up, helped remove the boy, carefully. then through the emergency doors, as they wisked aside. Nurses rush from several directions carrying various medical supplies, incase of need, he was wheeled into room 2, the curtains were drawn. Running footfalls could be heard just up the hall, the doctor? All would be well, the doctor is on the way. people hurried back and forth in a frenzy of motion; there were other to care for this night, the doctor had been busy all evening.
The curtains crashed to the corner posts, the doctor look down at the boy, arm still raised, in the motion of drawing back the curtains, horror dansed on that face.
"I can't operate on this boy, he's my son!" exclaimed the doctor. Nurses and Orderlies looked around; at each other in dismay. What was going on?
Why could the doctor not operate on the boy? How could he be the doctor's son?

Try to answer this enigma,
before you check the


Written by
Radcliffe A.H.Rock
on Dec. 7th 1999


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