The Lion's Eye
Miscellaneous Email | Jan 9th 2004

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    Rogue Crest
  • A Common Thought
    Things in Common.

    Here is today's "Thought" for every Common Individual.

    The common things we share with each other are as follows:
    • Common Sense;
      The ability to use reason, to, think things through, to make Peace, not war; where War makes more Money it destroys the Earth.
    • Common Decency;
      The ability to treat each other with dignity and respect, equality and kindness, the way each wants to be treated. Treat no one as property; All were born Free.
    • Common Laws;
      The laws that govern one's morals, one's spirit and one's souls, are infinitely more profound than the "Laws of Man." Make no Law that raises one against another; fore equity is given to All.
    • Common Courtesy;
      The ability to treat the Domestic Animal and Species of this earth with mercy, compassion and respect. The enmity felt for any species is learned, not inherent.

    We share the Earth with so many other Animals and Species that live.
    We all have the right to exist together.
    All we need remember is we All stand on COMMON Ground!

    © copyright R. Anthony H. Rock
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