day and night

"Heel and Toe"

The line between them, first and latter.
On one side or the other, it does not matter.
To stay with one, is to be the other.
To cross the line, in thought, you'll smother.
I've walked the line, for time gone by.
If I've done it well, tell me, try.
Below the line, is not your best.
Above the line, is man's true test.
For time passes, and I grow weak.
When shall I falter, fall, speak.
You don't know, how this heart feels.
On fishing hook, in and out, it reels.
In years to come, I stumble, near fall.
Will it be off the line, the thin wall?
Thin, a hair's breadth, heel and toe.
I walk this line, higher I go.
I want to be as one with the rest.
To stay on the line, I'll do my best.
It's no laughing matter, no not a jest.
Heel and toe, I walk on with my quest.

© copywright R. Rock

Written Oct. 12th 1989
by Radcliffe A.H. Rock
Inspired day by day.


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