day and night

"Honorable Men"

Where dwells this day, men of Honor?
Ye roamed the world in ancient day.
Ye stood verse Evil, Unjust, Dishonor.
Ye vanquished Demons, our Dragons slay.

Ye Truth, ye Justice, the honorable way.
Ebbed in time, lost Glory and Fame.
Ne'er your face, bathed in sun ray,
Come forth again, claim thy NAME.

When the good of all, worth but one.
Ye fought for Country, Queen, and King.
Though justice true, shared by none.
Of Loyalty and Valor e'er ye sing.

Ye Truth, ye Justice, the honorable way.
Ebbed in time, lost Glory and Fame.
Ne'er your face, bathed in sun ray,
Come not again, claim thy NAME.

The scales of Justice, tips against us.
Against the average, common man.
Where power and greed, made you pompous,
Into the abyss your Honor ran.

Ye Truth, ye Justice, the honorable way.
Ebbed in time, lost Glory and Fame.
Ne'er your face, bathed in sun ray,
I stand alone, to claim thy NAME.

© copywright R. Rock

Written Feb. 02nd 2004
by Radcliffe A.H. Rock
Inspired by Honor.


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