day and night

"I Miss"

An infant I was, and will ever be.
Of missed moments, these precious to me?
An ordered list, here for all to see.
From beginning to end, future dignity.
The smell of flowers after tropical rain.
Sun ray glints the snakin' drops on pane.
Fluttering buzz, the Humming Bird's wings.
The salted scent a sea breeze brings.
Gentle, kind the touch of Granny's hand.
Or look out to horizon, a sunset stand.
Frolic with friends, visible no more.
Rough sand grit, sand on the shore.
The pigeon's coo, soft voices make.
Pounding droplets, metal roof-tops quake.
Blessing heard, before eyes close to sleep.
Morning sounds, cow, goats, the sheep.
Cluck, cluck, chickens scratch the ground.
The haunting voices, gospel choir sound.
The loving care, mother should give.
I missed most, the years I live.
The tie that binds family together.
A tickled feel, the fallen feather.
An infant I was, no more to be,
These things missed, precious to me.

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written Jan. 26th 2004
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Inspired Memoirs.


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