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"Lost on the Mars"

The Mars Survival Test

You are a member a space crew, originally scheduled to rendezvous with a Mother Ship on the lighted surface of the Mars. Mechanical difficulties, however, have forced your scout ship to crashland some 200 miles from the rendezvous point. The rough landing damaged much of the equipment on board. Since survival depends on reaching the Mother Ship, the most critical items available must be chosen for the 200 mile trip. There are fifteen (15) items left intact after landing, and are listed below.

Your task is to rank these items, in terms of their importance, to assist your crew, in its attempt to reach the rendezvous point. Place number #1 by the most important item, number #2 by the second most important, and so on through to the least important item, number #15.

The List of Supplies

  • ____ Box of Matches

  • ____ Food Concentrate

  • ____ 50 feet of Nylon Rope

  • ____ Parachute Silk

  • ____ Portable Heating Unit

  • ____ Two .45 calabre Pistols

  • ____ One case dehydrated Milk

  • ____ Two 100lb. tanks of Oxygen

  • ____ Map of the Mars surface

  • ____ Life raft, containing 4 CO2 bottles

  • ____ Magnetic Compass

  • ____ 5 Gallons of Water

  • ____ Signal Flares

  • ____ First Aid kit, containg injection needles

  • ____ Solar-powered FM Transceiver

Test your survival skills,
before you check the


Re-written for Martians
Edited Jan. 26th 2004
R. Anthony H. Rock


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