day and night

"Mine Eye"

Envision with mine eye, for me.
Can one orate of this life I see?
An orb spinning, blue in space,
Inhabited by the human race.

An animal strange, on two legs stands,
Captures life within two hands.
An ilk to such, there is no other,
Apes in tree, on land, random brother.

Evolved to speech, compose conversation.
In unique tones, to rule a nation.
Adept to violence, war, destruction.
Hallowed in art, verse, and construction.

Dreams of peace, will never be?
Men bred to war, struggle to free.
Come together, you race of man.
Rip forth the buttress, loose the ban.

Look to four legs, see you there.
No bias, but to species, share.
A "King" had a dream, hands held tight.
No barriers, religion, creed, black or white.

All is one, if none at all.
The height of bias, farther to fall.
Enigmatic, not to stem this horror.
Commence with reflection in one's mirror.

Can one orate, such life I live
For a day, my shoes I'll give.

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written July 04th 2003
by Radcliffe A.H. Rock


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