day and night

"Ignorant Mountain"

The Mountain teaches little
About the Valley below.
Obscured in Cloud and Mist,
Suffering the Mountain will never know.

Cold, stark, thin Air, above the Clouds,
Masks the misery that illusion shrouds.
Look up from the depth, what does any see,
Deluded, pretend at leisure, play with glee.

Look down from on high, none can deny,
Satisfaction, no amount of wealth can supply.
The Mountain lay ignorant, covered in Snow,
Crushing existence of those struggling, below.

Greed and Corruption, that avails them too,
A Path never taken, by none, not a few,
Prosperity fails All, dying Dreams in the Mist.
Ignorant Mountain's lies; Valley must resist.

The Mountain fails to learn,
From the Rivers below.
The higher one climbs,
The less a Mountain will know.

In Ignorance of Truth
Mountains sit, upon high,
Indolence; make proclamation
That won't take wing nor fly.

Blind they sit amidst the Clouds,
Where arrogance, and ignorance abound,
In dearth sit draped in Mountain’s shrouds,
The Wisdom sought, is nowhere to be found.

©copywright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written January 05th 2024
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Inspired Greed vs. Nature.
Added to on March 26th 2024.


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