day and night

"In Whose Name"

Wars, destruction, missiles flying by.
In name, peace, white doves soar high.
Freedom of oppression, world leaders declare.
Recrimination, discrimination, cower in fear.
Stand with, I'm behind you, to follow your lead,
Kicked, beaten, raped, crushed by your greed.
Put away your weapons, we order you now.
Comply to orders, defend yourselves, how?
Dictators, those, who listen to no-one.
Who are these leader, accountable to none?
Their ideas, beliefs, to ego are right.
Your beliefs and ideas, attack in the night.
If I have been wrong, the race has cried,
Freedom to war, in whose name, they've died?

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written March 20th 2003
by Radcliffe A.H. Rock


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