day and night

"Peaceful Questions"

'Tis the Eve, before Eve,
And nothing is clear,
Some Heart fill with sorrow,
While others, with Cheer.

Repeated Quotes, ne'er realized,
Muddied, dismissed, obscure, unclear.
An idea, so old, none knew the way,
Screams heard by Night, in Day filled Fear.

Tis not the Season, for Humankind, rejoice?
Before Political Wars steal the quietest voice.
Rhetoric in Holiday's happy, Pagan's Feast,
Million starving, homeless, many deceased.

Bullet riddled stone, arise Smoke, Bombs blast,
This is Christmas Now just like Christmas Past.
Another War, Invasion, will Conflict e'er cease?
Where is the Dream - that Dream call Peace?

©copywright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written December 22th 2023
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Seasons Greetings.


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