day and night


Amidst ye chasm o wealth, wide ‘n’ deep,
Where charity's reach; strained, we weep.
Struggling souls, where tables bare,
Grasping for hope in the stifling air.

Greed's grasp tightens, cost of living soars,
Affordable havens slip through doors.
Taxes rise, burdening shrinking means,
In shadows of dreams, wish hope intervenes.

In ye tempest of trials, a beacon must shine,
A non-profit's duty, their sacred line.
Transparency, a jewel in the darkest night,
Accountability to all, a guiding light.

With open hearts and honest deeds,
We navigate troubled, turbulent seas.
Financial truths, laid bare and bold,
For every coin, a story told.

Engage the souls, both near and far,
In dialogue, beneath the Evening Star.
Where voices echo, our wisdom clear,
Guiding the path, dispelling your fear.

Innovation blooms amidst the strife,
Adaptation and Change, the key to Life.
Seeking partnerships, forging bonds anew,
Together, we rise, our Mission true.

In a dance of shadows among the Light,
We remain steadfast, our purpose bright.
For in the heart of every soul we serve,
Resides hope for Peace, fiercely preserve.

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock (via ChatGPT)

Written May 11th 2024
R. Anthony H. Rock
I wrote a Non-Profit Article for TRi-E Foundation,
then asked ChatGPT to make it a Poem.
This is the Poem ChatGPT created.


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