day and night

"The Party People Questionnaire"

The Party Questionnaire

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What kind of Party Person are you?
Mr. G. Fitz & I put this Party Questionnaire together in 1974.
It was a laugh then. I hope you find it so, now.

Please check one of the choices given.
  1. Do you consider yourself:
    1. ----- an Attractive Female.
    2. ----- an Attractive Male.
    3. ----- an Plain Female.
    4. ----- an Plain Male.
    5. ----- Other
    6. .
      If you have chosen "Other".
      Do not bother filling out the rest of this Questionnaire.

  2. Do you think of yourself as a Good Date?
    1. ----- Yes -
      How Good? ______________
    2. ----- No -
      How Bad? _______________
    3. ----- Don't know?
      Are you a Monk: a Nun: Non-specific? ____________
    4. Specify! _________________________________________________________________

  3. When you go to a Party, do you prefer to Dress:
    1. ----- Casually.
    2. ----- Formally.
    3. ----- Yes.
    4. ----- No.

  4. Do you prefer Dancing to:
    1. ----- Rhythm & Blues.
    2. ----- Hip Hip / Disco.
    3. ----- Rave / Alternative.
    4. ----- Rock 'n' Roll.
    5. ----- Reggae.
    6. ----- Lawrence Welk.
    7. ----- 3 or 4 a.m..

  5. When the Party is getting Late, and there are a few People left.
    Which of the following would you be incline to play?
    1. ----- Sexy Music on the Stereo.
    2. ----- Hard to get.
    3. ----- The Tuba.
    4. ----- The Pipe Organ.

  6. What kind of Drinker are you?
    1. ----- Soft Drinks only.
    2. ----- Social Drinker.
    3. ----- Occasional Drinker.
      List occasions _______________
    4. ----- Secret Drinker
    5. ----- Heavy Drinker.
      How much do you weigh? _______

  7. If you meet a good looking Person; how far do you think you should go at a Party :
    1. ----- to the Bar-b-cue Pit.
    2. ----- the City Limits.
    3. ----- the Sky is the Limits.
    4. ----- All the Way

"The Essay Question"

State in 25 words or Less, why YOU should be allowed to come to "MY" Party.

Bring this completed Questionnaire with you to the "Party."
On the _____ day of _____ Month in the year _____.

At the Following Address:

Those without a completed Questionnaires, will not gain Access to the Party.

Written by:
Mr. G. Fitz & Mr. R. Rock
in 1974


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