day and night


Who stands reflected in Glass, 'fore me?
Who's hands caress a Body, yet Free?
Who offers a Path, froth with Pain?
Who demands the change, for so few to gain?

What manner of Man, reflected here?
What hand of Strength, is held high there?
What offer, this Path, to feel such Pain?
What Future change, a Man's to gain?

Where stand the Man, reflected now?
Where does his Strength whither? How?
Where goes the Path, that leads to Pain?
Where change the Future, I may gain?

When is reflected Man's image but True?
When does Power, Strength stand in You?
When is there a Path not filled with Pain?
When Future gain, is for all Men, remain?

Why does this Reflection bother me?
Why are Hands bound, while the Mind is free?
Why does the Path follow any course of Pain?
Why remain in a Future, with so little to gain?

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written December 16th 2003
by R. Anthony H. Rock


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