day and night

"Sea of Tears"

If I drop a tear into the sea?
What differs there, one can see?
In vapor rise, form clouds on high.
Join others hence, make land un-dry.
Wash such filth from land once clean.
Soften the hearts you've ne'er seen.
Mingle, blend with tears Leviathan?
Destruction and carnage, ways of man.
If I drop a tear into the sea?
What differs there, you may see?
Make no mistake for love of thee.
So many tears have filled the sea.
Those shed on land, high and low.
Down through stream and river flow.
Traverse the lives, men good and bad.
What have we done, make ye not sad?
If I drop a tear into the sea?
There be no difference, any can see!

© copyright R. Rock

Written February 02nd 2004
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Inspired by D. H. Lawrence.


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