day and night

"Can We Share?"

Can we share, Words my friend?
Light witty banter, that won't offend.
Can we share Ideas, yours and mine?
Over lunch, breakfast, or out to dine.
Can we share emotions, as those in love?
Coo like a Pigeons, in peace like a Dove.
Can we share Time gone, at last?
Till all good things come to Past.
Can we share the moments, knowing Bliss?
Hoping for a long lasting Kiss.
Can we share the love in one's Heart?
Grant every Wish, never to part.
Can we share our Happiness and Joy?
Care for each other, don't be coy.
Can we share the Light of Day?
'Til Twilight and Night take breath away.
Can we share our Lives, we two?
Cherish such Love, keep it True.
Each Day alone, one thing to fear.
Everything I've done,
That we can't Share.

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written Jan. 26th 2005
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Shared Inspiration.


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