day and night

"Shared Smile"

Each day I wake, to greet the Sun,
The warmth that is the Light;
Each passing face a smile I give;
Fore they know not my plight.

To see the World; what it could be;
Beauty in the eye, behold;
Where all are treated equally;
Fore every heart's filled with gold.

Share the treasure one has to share,
With each and every one;
Care for each other in every way;
Especially, rainy days under Sun.

I thank you for the blessing;
Accept I cannot do;
Fore in the world around me;
Another needs it too;

I pass the blessing thither,
For those who need it most;
Return, again to position;
As one among the Host.

Today I wake, to greet the Sun,
The warmth within the Light;
Each passing face a smile I give;
Fore they know not their plight.

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written Oct. 25th 2007
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Inspired Smile.


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