day and night

"Sonnet #1"

How do I love thee?
Shakespeare is quoted to say.
Days erode, fade, sigh, Time has past,
In my words now, emote display.

To cherish mine Love, more,
Than each breath I take.
E'er moment, together spent,
Haunt Night's dreams of wake.

From Day to Twilight hours end,
Honour Love, till dust I'm made.
Worms feed on Bones and Flesh,
Where Heart rests in Lover's Glade.

When endless and undying Love,
Empty Souls reborn, e'er refresh.
And those incarnate underground,
Return from Dust to flesh.

Catch a rising Moon in hand,
A Gift for Love, alone
Rip Mountains flat or move the Stars,
Love's rhythm sings, Bells drone.

All Humankind Love in what state,
Beit weak or strong, shreds, intact.
A greater Love, n'er come forth
Blood Crimson ink signs My Contract.

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written May 1st 2003
Revised July 3rd.2003
by R. Anthony H. Rock
to an "Unknown" Love.


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