day and night

"Sorry to The Planet"

The land, rich, ran high and low
Furrowed, sectioned, row on row.
Green, blue, colour un-compared.
Turn foul, dumps not to be shared.
Trees stretched to heaven on high,
Forrest covered land, far and nye.
Tall and broad leaves ope' wide,
Sanctuary planet, place to live, hide.
Chemical process, gives air ye need
Fresh, clean, blowing forest seed.
Man, your child, comes in rage,
Wars, destruction, an industrial age.
Can these scars be made to heal?
Asphalt, concrete, glass building conceal.
Damages done can e'er be repaired
This world of ours, will ne'er be spared.
Birds, beasts, flowers, insects and trees,
Is man so great, greater than these?
Harm oneself, ye dig and quarry
No one bends knee, say loud, "I'm sorry."
Little I've done, though little I've tried,
Ye got rich, while the planet cried.
Hurricane wash, sand storm scratch land,
Weak are smashed, strong withstand.
Heal yourself as best you can,
I'd love to help, but I'm only a MAN.

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written March 16th 2003
by R. Anthony H. Rock


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