day and night


Betwix two Realms, here 'n' there,
'Tween Light, the Dark, a Dream.
There runs babbling, a Chrystal Brook.
One's liquid Hopes; a calming Stream.

Stand, its edge, peer to its depth,
Mirrored, shimmering on its face.
My Goals, My Hopes, My every Wish,
Away, down Stream they race.

Wade in, in haste, net in hand,
To catch what Dreams I may.
Though small the holes, the Net may be,
Many Goals and Hopes slip way.

Stand waist deep, net in hand,
In darkened realm of a Dream.
Goals ne'er reach, Wishes unfulfilled,
Leave Sweat drops of Hope,
Down your Brow, they stream.

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written June 4th 2006
R. Anthony H. Rock
While sitting Quietly
in the Dark, ALONE.


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