day and night

" Tired "

Since nine, in struggle all alone
With shy smile, tears were cried
To grew up, strong fast 'n' wise
Those silent tears, ne'er dried
To lose such will e'er to survive
Valiant in woes, aloud, ne'er subside
To live what life, alone, myself
A families torn love not tried
Help the helpless, what ye can
In search for families pride
Ye fool of foolish, soften heart
Such things missed, ye spied
A wail resounds, again for help
Bereft of soles in honor tied
For solace ebbs the care ye need
When passions heat has died
I tire of such struggles, hence
Too tired, to ride such tide.

© copyright R. Anthony H.Rock

Written Jan. 20th 1983
Original Title I'm Tired
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Rewritten Dec. 18th 2003.


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