day and night

"Love Undying"

The times may come and go.
The days go by real slow.
All I ever do, is wish for you.
Many things I'd like to try.
Even those that make one cry.
And all of them are with you.
But, you have gone away.
If only you could stay.
I keep hoping it's not true.
All I ever do is wish for you.
Yet, I am not a fool.
Death in life, is so cruel.
It's something we all shall do.
All I ever do, is wish for you.
Of all the things we've done.
I shall regret not one.
Above this all, a wish or two.
I'm still in love with YOU!

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written Aug. 04th 1987
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Inspired on my Birthday.


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