day and night

"God's Last Visit"

Breathe of air, once clean, fresh.
Foul, discolored, clinging to flesh.
Plants call to me, a question there.
We ever faithful, do you still care?

Water, crystal clear with sheen.
Flows to oceans, soiled, unclean.
I wonder cross hill and dale.
Through lush forests to quarry shale.

What have I done, this free will?
Firmament of holes, garbage lands fill.
Share this world with all, I said.
Precious creatures, extinct and dead.

Ruling here, a world now mad.
Wonder at love gone so bad.
Man enslaves, a shroud of greed.
All are equal, to be freed.

A search for faith, a divine sooth.
Escapes one and all, an unseen truth.
Commandments to man, were given Ten.
Seven the number, the Sins of men.

Laws, man made, I installed none.
A rule Golden, my will, the One.
Walk in the light, all I ask.
A simple request, not a task.

I watch man now with furrowed brow.
Await the time, a day, even now.
For you to see inside yourself.
In souls I dwell, within oneself.

Do You Know the SEVEN Sins of Men?

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written Nov. 17th 2003
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Inspired by Angels.


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