day and night

"My Last Will & Testament"

When alas I shun this mortal coil,
Return not my flesh to the soil.
Treat it not like human trash,
Rend it with flame, till it be Ash.
What family left to grieve and cry,
Shed not a tears, all must die.

Travel I must, as God commands,
In toil and labours, a helping hand.
I leave behind, all I love,
To soar on wing, like the Dove.
I miss you then as I do now,
In time, reunite again, I vow.

For now I share what I can.
Fore when I was a mortal Man,
Such things I leave, you to share,
I detail now for such to hear.
What was mine is for family to share,
Equally and fairly; none despair.

Possesses I have naught, I give you all.
Gather ye throng in justice hall.
To hear the probate of this will,
Where bias and hate take their fill.
Divide the loot, divide the spoil.
One life’s work, a book, my toil.

The Book and Sequel observed of Man,
Published for the Children of Man.
Prosperity for comes from its verse,
To Evil, it comes as a curse.
Executors of this will is one,
Who follows the path of his Son.

Charles, I leave this task to you,
Fore his word fills you too.
Liquidate material, wealth the same,
None may contempt, I am to blame.
Brothers and Sister, my love is true,
My blessings are material just for you.

Adrian, Sr. and Jr., Grace, Ryan, Ariel;
Youth, is fleeting, grasp family well.
Share one and all, young and old,
I have little to give, Truth be told.
Equally in royalty, all shall share,
Equally for all, that none may despair.

Wealth came not to me by scarred hand,
Nor reached by toil in the land.
Family and friends are wealth to me,
The family of one, for all must see.
One species, one goal, one destiny
For All Mankind to live in Harmony.

Knowledge, experience, education to share,
Within the Book; fore Mankind play fair.
The Book is the key to Human Destiny,
In equality, Peace and Harmony.
Neglect such testament, ignore such verse,
Humankind becomes, to the world, a curse.

Four Guardian, shared their lives with me,
Their guiding hand, heart, set me free.
Care for each other, let none go stray,
Unity and balance, each day I pray.
I leave you now, with this last thought.
Why is Peace the thing never sought?

"No one wants to live in a World devoid of Trust!" ©copywright R Anthony H. Rock

Written May 26th, 2011
By… the Poet Lleri_el
. R. Anthony H. Rock
(Author, Poet, Artist Warrior)

"Father of Evolved Ethics"
Founder/CEO of TRi-E Foundation
A will should be more than just words.
Author of: Exercises in Evolved Ethics.
Andrai_el Whispers … What an Angel has Observed,
and A Continued Whisper…Observations in Perception.


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