day and night

"It Wasn't You"

It wasn't YOU that raided villages, in the Jungle's night.
It wasn't YOU that forged the chains, that held Necks and Ankles tight.
It wasn't YOU that filled the cargo holds, beyond capacity.
It wasn't YOU that crewed Slave Ship or set out to Sea.

It wasn't YOU, who held Auction; tore families apart.
It wasn't YOU that held the whip that rend Backs in Horrid Art.
It wasn't YOU, who denied Humanity, stripped Slaves of Human Rights.
It wasn't YOU on Juneteenth, shot Dark Skins at first sight.

It wasn't YOU that lynched the Innocent, hanging for all to see.
It wasn't YOU, White hooded burning Crosses for Spite or Vanity.
It wasn't YOU, the Laws enslaved, enforced indentured servitude.
One cannot fix the Past, adjust your attitude,

Years ago THEY did wrong, no defense for what was done.
Learn the Lessons of the Past, YOU were not there son.
History is filled atrocities, civility was trying,
WE heard the people woes, wailings and crying?
Say a Prayer for their Souls; YOU were not left dying.

© copyright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written June 24th 2021
by R. Anthony H. Rock
This Poem paraphrases and augments
a Poem about Aboriginals
by my dear friend L. F. B.


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