day and night

"Zesty Alphabet"

A is for Amore, in each and every way.
B is for your Beauty, brightens up each day.
C is for Compassion, sometimes we all are weak.
D is far a Dalliance, a game of Hide 'n' Seek.
E is for Effervescence, you bubble over with glee.
F is for Feminine wiles, behold a heart quite free
G is for Generous and Gentle, abound within your Soul.
H is for Heartbeats, pounding heavenly Bells match the toll.
I is for Illusion, Imagination, to glimpse your precious face.
J is for Jubilation, and Joy within they Grace.
K stand forth for Karma, each other's Yang and Ying.
L is for Laughter and Loyalty, and all the Love you bring.
M is filled with Memories, times bad or good, rejoice.
N is for the Nightingale's Song, that whispers in your voice.
O for One and Only, Omnipresent in dreams by night.
P shall stand for Paradise, anywhere our love takes flight.
Q my Quest to keep the Faith, the love for you e'er True.
R for Rapture's Restlessness, when I'm far away from you.
S for Salvation's Sanity, mu woes be gone, they flee.
T for Trust and Truthfulness, forever, all may see.
U hold forth Undying Love, a thing unique and rare.
V is for Vulnerability, to jealousy from those beyond our Sphere.
W for Wings of Pearl & White, soar through Clouds of Hope.
X is for the Xenophobia, the love we share will cope.
Y for You and only You, your heart and mine entwine.
Z my Zesty Alphabet for those in Love Devine.

©copywright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written Nov. 26th 2003
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Inspired Love's Alphabet.


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