day and night

"Zenith of Truth"

Open orbs, once cold and blind.
A Tear falls, drifts, soft and kind.
Images form, within a mist entwined.
Open eyes, let the Truth unwind.

Breathe in essence, an Ear to grind.
Glimpse one's Past, History rewind.
Phantoms dance, o'er Stage unkind.
Truth and Light, both yours to find.

Peel Life's Fruit, remove its rind.
Uncover such sinew, the Ties that bind.
A Bone of Truth, around, Lies wind
On whose Skeleton, the Vultures dined.

In Words, in Blood, Truth's Contract, signed
In futile search, the Quest, I've pined.
Lies echo, vibrate, get thee behind.
In Light, saturate one's Soul, one's Mind.

©copywright R. Anthony H. Rock

Written Nov. 26th 2003
by R. Anthony H. Rock
Inspired by Truth & Light.


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