Thick With Conviction - A Poetry Journal
thick with conviction a poetry journal

Elizabeth Barbato

After The Men Have Left

They take all the dictionaries with them.
They leave us with a stub of a candle.
They slam down all the hinges.
Sometimes our fingers get caught.
Sometimes we make up death penalties.
We stand close not touching.
We think our own thoughts.
We don't talk about the mess.
Sometimes we don't cry until
we have to get down on our knees
to clean under the toilet seat.
That which has been impure
will now smell just like lemon
even though the only fruit in the house
is blooming mold on its darkening skin.

Elizabeth Barbato was born in New England and now makes New Jersey home, where she teaches writing, drama and music. She has pieces in current or forthcoming editions of Apple Valley Review, Poetrybay, The Litchfield Review, Stride, Ghoti(fish),The Chimaera, All Things Girl, Word For/Word and Cantaraville.


Current Issue:
October 2010


Elizabeth Barbato
Melinda Blount
Rachel Bunting
Natalie Carpentieri
Taylor Copeland
Sarah Demers
James H. Duncan
Anthony Gayle
Taylor Graham
Jason Hardung
Paul Hostovsky
Mary McCall
Steve Meador
Corey Mesler
Bill Roberts
Josh Thompson
David Thornbrugh
Kelsey Upward
M. Travis Walsh
Ernest Williamson III

