Poetic News From Thick With Conviction
thick with conviction a poetry journal

Poetic News from Thick With Conviction 

Issue 24 is now live and ready to be read and enjoyed. As always, thanks to all the contributors.  Our next issue will be in June 2012, so you've a lot of time to get those submissions out to us!

10 Questions with... returns in January! We'll let you know via Facebook and e-mail when it's up and who it will be with.

Drop us a line or visit us on TWC's Facebook page and let us know how we're doing and what we can do to make our 'zine even better. We're coming up on six years of TWC!

We'd also like to wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season and much brightness for the upcoming year. We couldn't do any of this without your support. We love poetry and hope to continue for a long time.

Current Issue: December 2011



10 Questions with...

10 Questions with... Archive

Archived Issues

Submission Guidelines

About The Editors

Places of Interest

