Thick With Conviction - A Poetry Journal
thick with conviction a poetry journal

Cole Subik

August 18, 2007

Hammock-sized wonders of New England:

I’ve started to leave things for you to find in the garden.
Clam shells, lavender, a painted horseshoe
as an offering of friendship.

I dream in icy daguerreotypes of love
that breathe snowy jazz
on your day.

You are Edna in hemp, pollen in a hailstorm,
a reader in every sense of the word

sprinkled on the hive
by the gap-toothed Puck of Maine.

Boston bees harvest doughnut glaze,
when they can’t find the real thing
and the real thing is
broken-down into a glucose kiss
of sustainable energy
on your day.

Cole Subik is a learning specialst and writing instructor at Colby-Sawyer College in New London, NH.

 Current Issue:
April 2008


Chris Crittenden
James H. Duncan
Taylor Graham
James Hannon
Paul Hostovsky
Candice Nguyen
Lori Romero
Cole Subik
Kelsey Upward
J. Michael Wahlgren
Leland Zhi
