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by Aimee Jaskot

Even when you aren't here, I can feel you.


My memory of the precise feel of your skin

lightly presses against my body

in every way that I enjoyed you,


          but when I reach out to pull you closer, 

          I am quietly reminded of your absence.


My lips still carry the taste of you,

while your scent (nearly edible, as I recall)

hovers at the edge of my perception,

quietly beckoning me from my chair,


          and I am nearly to the door

          before I realize that it wasn't you, but the memory of you

          that called me.


So if on some afternoon you find me

standing slightly lost at your door,

know that I am just as surprised as you,

and that it was the ghost of your touch

that pulled me there.

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This site was last updated 10/05/02