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Aren't We Cute!


There is a big house on a little hill,

That big brown house is so very still,

It has 20 windows that I can recall,

Looking up at the windows, seeing nothing at all.

When I look at that house I feel so much sorrow,

I'll wait another day, there's always tomorrow.

Standing out by the step he looks so revealing,

If I took him away, I'd only be stealing.

Every once in awhile he roams about,

But not to many times you see him out.

When he's with people he has so much pride,

With me in his heart, I think it has died

I look at him now he's still a young boy,

He has several years ahead for him to enjoy.

There won't be a day for me he will give,

With each day going by I know I can live.

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