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My Third Page


A smiling face is heartful felt,

A kind gesture will make you melt.

Who ever brought it to your face,

It shouldn't matter what their race.

Portrayed violence so unfair,

Wherever you look it seems to be there.

Judging one by another is riducule,

How would you feel if that person was you.

Always reach deep down in your sole,

If it doesn't feel right, it isn't your role.

Please don't judge by different skin,

We all have the same parts human within.

Stopping racism will have effect,

We all deserve a little respect.

Try to stop what others may do,

And the world will change because of you.

This is a poem I made up many years ago, I'm not sure exactly when this happened, but there was an accident at the mine and I wrote a poem about it.


Saturday was a terrible day,

Because ten miners passed away.

They were so young it hurts to say,

The miners that died that Saturday.

Most people were sad, some people were mad,

Because of the way the world is today.

The funerals were held in the town of Glace Bay,

With many loved ones along the way.

We sure hope this tradegy will teach us to pray.

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