Pokémon Crystal is one of the first game that lets you select who you are at the start, in this game you select between a boy(the one you start with in GS) or a girl, named Crystaline. Although both characters have the same interaction in the game, there images are different. The main Rival in the game is of a name of your choice, he is a tall Unown trainer, who doesnt get along with the likes of you, you will end up battling him later in the game.
The game is like yellow to gold and silver, crystal in place of yellow, it has a slightly different game play, for example what happens at the radio tower, and how the puzzles in the unown tower are presolved when you come. Right now there is no set release date for the US. The japaniese version is coming out on December 14, 2000. Yeash we didnt even know where it came from! One of the cool features is that the characters you battle will be animated, for instance Meowth licks its paw and wobbufet wobbles. Its also compatible with The new Pokémon Stadium 3 (or in the US it would be Pokémon Stadium GS). Nintendo is unsure if it is going to be released in the U.S. That is because one of the main features is a mobile adapter (cell phone) that lets you get informed about events in Crystal. Because not many children have cell phones in the U.S like they do in Japan it may not be released.