.|name| call me gen.
.|born| 17th of October 1985, that makes me 15 you lazy bums.
.|sex| yes please! now that's original i know. i'm a girl.
.|piercings/tattoos| no tattoos. i'm getting my lip pierced some time soon. i have three in my left ear and one in my right.
.|familial situation| both mom and dad love each other, how kitsch. i also have two younger siblings.
.|status| how stupid i feel answering this, i'm in an ending relashionship with a girlfriend of 4 months.
.|future son names| sebastian, brian, andrew.
.|future daughter names| lilly, zoe, nancy, alice. anything with the sound 'e'.
.|do you believe in yourself| not really no.
.|do you drink| no, for some reason, i have a thing against alcool.
.|do you smoke| no, i know i'd like it too much.
.|do you do drugs| mmm drugs...
.|earlyest childhood memory| my aunts funeral playing astronaut with my cousin. i was three i think.
.|memory you miss the most| being happy on vacation with my family, not worrying about anything.
.|what color is your computer desk| beige.
.|what's the last thing you ate| a strawberry.
.|what's the last thing you said out loud| 'shut up' to my brother.
.|last movie you saw| the grinch
.|last book you read| go ask alice, but i am reading alice in wonderland.
.|do you have a cell-phone| why of course. *feeling jappy*
.|do you have a pager| why would i need one if i have a cell-phone?
.|last person you talked to on the phone| kevin about 15 minutes ago.
.|what are you doing tonight| i dont know it's already 2:15 am, i think my night's pretty much over.