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Rocketshipper's Section!

In the show, Jesse and James are "supposed to be" a Team that "denounce the evils of truth and love". But is there MORE THAN JUST PARTNERSHIP? Well this site is in FULL SUPPORT of Jesse and James becoming a couple!! Ok, now we are going to hand it over to the expert...Dr. Looove to analyse it all for us!!!!

Helloooooooo!! It's Doctor Loooooove speaking here!!! *Ummmm* i can see loooooove's in the air!!!! Before I get to the analysis, let me explain a few things:

What exactly is a "Rocketshipper"?

a "Rocketshipper" simply means a person who believes that Jesse and James should be a couple. There are also different kinds of "shippers", and here are their definitions:

Cacoshipper-People who do not support the idea of J & J being a couple.
Neoshipper-People who think thaty Cassidy and Butch should be pair up.

Why do Jesse and James make a great couple?

--->First of all, they're opposites. They come from totally different family backgrounds, and growing up in different lifestyles. Therefore their personality is complete opposite of each other, as explained in a few episodes. The phrase "opposites attract" complies to this situation perfectly.
--->Secondly, they've been friends since childhood. From attending Pokémon Tech (But failed to do so...sigh), ganging with the Bridge Bike Gang, up to the point when they join Team Rocket, they've experience success and failure together. So it's only natural if they care a lot about each other, then slowly develops into love.

Still Not Convinced?

If you still believe that Jesse and James are just working partners, here we provide some evidence from the show to support our theory, epidsode by epidsode!

13. Mystery at the light house In this episode they were trying to climb up the cliff to Bill's Lighthouse. At first they were scared to do so because they're afraid of heights, and they were hugging each other in fear at that moment.

16. Pokémon Shipwreck When the St.Anne sank with Team Rocket trapped, they need to learn how to survive. When they think they're about to die, they said their "final goodbyes"...

17. The Island of the Giant Pokémon As they realized that they had survived from Gyarados' "Dragon Rage" attack, they happy hugged each other and shouted "We survived again!"

20. Ghost of Maiden's Peak In this episode James was almost taken away by the ghost, but luckily Jesse saved him....she said she just can't stand girls that always wait around for her man...sure we believe her!-Screenshot N/A-

40. Wake Up Snorlax! Well there's not really anything in the episode that contain shippyness, but as the explained the story "Sleeping Beauty", a shippy picture came up.

44. Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon Another fear hug! Hehe

45. A Chansey Operation Look at James' face when Jesse gets all googly-eyed over Docter Pronter. Ooh there's something going on!

46. Holy Matrimony A must-see episode for any rocketshipper! As Jesse thought James is leaving Team Rocket for good to marry Jessebelle and get his fortune, he returns and united with Jesse.
Jessie: Oh well, guess James chose to hang up his Team Rocket costume. Meowth: I guess all that money and luxury was just too tempting for James to give up.
Jessie (her head down looking very sad): I guess you're right.
James (from his hotair ballon): Prepare for trouble?
Jessie: James?!!! Ah, make it double!
*Jessie runs after the balloon. James grabs her hand and pulls her up, she laughs happily*
Jessie: I guess were not going to get rich this time either.
James: Guess not, they wouldn't give me the inheritance.
Jessie: Ohh, there's always next time! We may not make a lot of money, but we sure have got our freedom.
James: Yeah, double trouble time, right?
Jessie: Sounds great to me James! *Looks at each other lovingly, and holds each other's hand tight*

53. The Ultimate Test When Jesse got expelled, James got all mad and dedicated his battle to Jesse.-Screenshot N/A-

55. Princess Vs. Princess First of all, the way he looks at Jesse when she came upon the stage...*astonishly*, and at the end when she did not win the dolls, he was willing to pretend to be a doll to cheer her up.-Screenshot N/A-

56. The Purr-fect Hero When Jesse explained to James that she didn't have the luzury James had on Kid's Day, James showed deep pity for her....(pity, or something else? Hehe).

58. Volcanic Panic Do they HAVE TO HUG everytime they're scared????? Gee!

64. Holiday Hi-Jynx Don't they look so cute when they share a bed???? (Don't worry, Meowth is between them)-Screenshot N/A-

71. Make Room For Gloom Ummmmm.......what does this picture tell you???

74. Bad to the Bone When Jesse ran away from Team Rocket with the badges, James is able to recgonize her, even though she is all covered up.

83. A Scare in the Air Awww...they're scared again......

101. Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon? Here comes the bride.....James? Oooh J&J got married!!!!-Screenshot N/A-

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