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How to Play "TCG"

First of all if you dont know what tcg is or poke tcg, then your basically a begginer of pokemon, so click Over Here To Learn about POKEMON itself. If not, then this is the basics. TCG (trading card game) Is one of the thing that made pokemon a fad, well not a fad anymore, its most likley a act back (like the scooter or monopoly). Where its in one day, and out the other, in another day, and so on. TCG is bascily hitting, attacking, healing, and battling. There are differen't decks which you can use to play. You use a certain amount of trainers, energys, and pokemons itself. To evolve the pokemon you must have it in its form, and have the card in your hand (or if you put it in the deck) if you do not have it in your hand you cant evolve the pokemon! you see those marks like energy cards on the side of the move? Weren't you wondering what that is? Well, some people just play "I hit you 50 HP so your down to 90 HP" NO. That is soooo not correct, because thats based on the best card. What you really have to do is have the energys decked under the pokemon, so when you attack you withdrawl the energys and put them into a DISCARD pile.

Discard Pile - Can you pick up any discarded things? Answer: NO, You can only choose from your deck, but if you run out of cards to pick from.. im sorry, you lose! I will be posting ou the best decks in the future

How do we know if its paralyzed? - Answer: Turning it left wards (the card itself) makes it paralyzed if it was, turning it upside down (the card itself) makes it sleeping, and turning it rightwards makes it poisnied. Pokemon Center is the best trainer you need to wake up your pokemon, heal you rpokemon, and unparalyze your pokemon! (Even if it does take away energys, its worth it a lot!)

What are those things at the bottom of the card - At the bottom there is a amount you have to give out to retreat. Maybe if there are 3 (*) (*) (*) then you have to take out 3 energys to retreat that pokemon. The resist means that it can resist it (its weak against your pokemon) and the weakness means you should withdraw it. Why is it weaker or heavier, how do we know? If its weaker, you take out 10 damage of what hes attacking, and if its weakness you add 10 damage of what hes attacking.

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Mew Heart, For Images