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R/B/Y MissingNo.

Pokegods Lore
Screen Shots

Contact Info.

This site is owned and run by SailorClef

If you have any useful information relating to MissingNo. or the Pokegods, spotted some typos, or just want to say "hi" you can contact me on these instant messengers:

AIM: Tsuki no Fairy
Yahoo!: sailorclef

You can also send an e-mail to:
(I check my e-mail on a regular basis and I usually do reply)

If you choose to e-mail me, please make the subject clear so that I don't think it's SPAM and delete it.
Also note: I do not speak any languages other than English

If you decide to e-mail or contact me, please only send me information that you have gathered yourself. This means do not e-mail me with the url to some web site unless it is your own personal site.
When submitting information, you should also tell me how and if you want to be credited.

The Pokegods portion of the site is co-written by Redstar.

AIM: RedstarAnims