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Pokegods Lore

RBY MissingNo.




The Pokegods: Pikablu Codes

Though there were many methods proposed to obtain a Pikablu, the most popular code was as follows:

Code By: Weasel 244
Official Pikablu(NEW!)

NOTE!: This code has been approved by Nintendo and will not mess any part of your game up.. Perfectly clean and won't erase any data!......

To Catch Pikablu in any Version: Follow these Simple steps to catch him!


To Catch Pikablu in any Version: NEW Updated CODE! Follow these Simple steps to catch him!

1. First you must catch all 150 Pokemon NOT I repeat NOT using GameShark.
2. Then you also must have Seventeen of your Pokemon over at Level 70 100.
3. Then when all of these tasks are complete, go to the guy in Pewter City who asks you if you have been to the Museum yet. Say NO so he takes you to the door.
4. Then go into the museum and go upstairs and talk to the Lady who says "I want My boyfriend to catch me a Pikachu!"
5. After you talk to her, immediatly come out of the door and once you come out of the door do not take any steps forward. left, or right. Immediatly use fly and go to Celedon City.
6. Go to the Safari zone and catch a Tuaros. Leave room in your pokemon slots. So only bring 5 when you go to catch him. Then put tuaros in your 1st slot.
7. Go into the Game Corner and talk to the Lady that says "Go Next Door to the Coin Exchange Corner to use your coins to get great Prizes!"
8. But this time she will say, "Hey? You have all the badges? WOW! Well then since you were nice enough to talk to me, I will give you this Pokemon I found stranded behind then Pokemon Museum, he is so strong I can not control him.But since you have all the badges, YOU TAKE HIM!
9. It will say, "You got ???????" Then when you try to use it it will just be like if you were pressing cancel and it will exit every time you click on it. Then go to Proffesor Oak and he will say the same thing he says when you give him Oaks Parcel, it will still say "YOU DELIVERED OAKS PARCEL!"
10. Then when you go into your pokemon line and it will replace the Pokemon in your first slot. So put a spearow or something in first. It will still be called ????? so go to the Nickname guy and change it to Pikablu. It has a ElectricWave, Psyshock, and Electrode...

Dont ask me why its Electrode but its an awesome move.

11. It is a Level 999 and Pikablu will, Yes it will appear in your Pokedex! After 150 it will say 154 and then you look at the Pokedex Info and it will look like this...

Name: Pikablu Type: ??????? Height: 2" 3" Length: 3" 4"
Height: 2" 3" Wieght: 34
Stats: Attack-999 Defense-999 Speed-999 Special-999

ElectricWave Psyshock Electrode SonicBoom <------- When you get 60,000 more experience points after catching it
It Learns SonicBoom when you gain around 60, 000 experience points and it kills any pokemon in one hit and it never misses!

It's interesting to note that like the above Tricket code, this method in obtaining Pikablu was nearly always specifically stated to be "officially approved/confirmed by Nintendo". But unlike the Tricket code, it had several variations and was not always copied and pasted word-for-word.

The edition shown above is, as far as I can tell, the last two modifications made to the original text. The bolded text was found in the third edition to be circulated, and suggested by the writer to have been "missing". At the height of the Pokegods, fan sites tended to compete against each other in popularity and scrambled for any new Pokegod-related information and codes. The original Pikablu code may have been disproved by this time, so to suggest certain steps were missing would bring renewed attention both to the code and the site that provided it.

If the three editions of this code are compared, a pattern can be found from the earliest to the last: the stats. The first text only included height information, while the second added length and the third finished up with weight (as well as an obvious second height, which suggests weight was originally the length, but feet and inches removed and relabeled). This clearly suggests information being added between circulations, possibly to make the code seem more "official".

Though the above seems to be a final edition that can be traced back to an original, there also appears to be variants that branched away from the original at different times of rewrite.

The most common example is the "by memory" variant, which has shown up in some places and clearly lacks substantial information from the original and must have been written down as near as the author could recall. These examples almost always lack the stat and move set information, as well as some of the finer details found in the steps.

The second variant appears to have branched from the second main edition, as evidenced by the improved writing, yet lack of the sixth "Tauros step". What makes this variant stand out is the missing stat and move set information, which is then followed by an "update" that fills it in. This new text is as follows:

Just in!!! I recieved an email with some useful info. Read!!! the pikablu code does work she gives you a level 100 pikablu and the moves it knows are ice punch,blizzard, thunder punch,and thunder in fact it does learn electrode except it only has 5 power points and it maxes out at ten here are his stats

attack 778
speed 676
special 999

Also, you may wan't to punch in this Gameshark code if you have one
01E364D1 this WILL ALWAYS get you pikablu. He will look like a
Missingno., but will be #154. Rename him Pikablu to make him more

What is interesting about this is the new move set more typical of a supposed Water type and Pikachu "clone". The move Electrode is still learned, however, and is specifically noted even though the section that detailed it was cut off in this version. The stats are also changed, oddly, to less-than-maximum. Why this was done is not known, though the oft included Gameshark code at the end suggests the person both wanted the code to be more "realistic" and expected it to not work, so provided an alternative.

Though many codes have changed over time when passed from site to site, losing and gaining information as they went, only this particular code can be so easily tracked. The additions and branched variants are a perfect example of the mentality that went on at the height of the Pokegods, and how the codes and stories related to them so easily evolved and entered public perception.

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Last updated on January 16, 2010